First Change the Way You Think
I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent (Luke 5:32 NLT). First...
Ever Increasing
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed... 32 It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows...
“Decide to Follow Jesus”
"We have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by...
The Dance
His left hand is under my head, and his right hand is round about me (Song of Songs 2:6 BBE). If you are familiar with Hebrew, you may...
Perfect Love Ousts Fear
By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment…there is no fear in love, but perfect love...
The King is in the Field
My loved one is gone down into his garden…I am for my loved one, and my loved one is for me; he takes food among the lilies (Song of...
Magnificent Sons
…and the house that is to be built for the LORD must be exceedingly magnificent (1Chronicles 22:5). The House of God is magnificent. It...
Son Shine Bright
…the sons of God, without rebuke, in the middle of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom you shine as lights in the world (Phil....
Think Like A Son
…for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith (Gal. 3:26). As a man thinks in his heart, so He is. What you believe about...
Son or Slave?
So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God (Galatians 4:7). When you surrender yourself to Christ,...