Behold A Son
For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus (Gal.3: 26). Do you consider yourself a true son of God? If you say, “I am a...
Is Your Eye Evil?
But if your eye is evil, your whole body will be full of darkness. Therefore, if the light within you has turned into darkness, how great...
Knock, Knock, Knocking on Hell’s Door
We must not put Christ to the test... nor grumble, as some of them did and were destroyed by the Destroyer (1Cor. 10: 9-10). Newsflash,...
Golden Calf: A “Go To” God
… he made a golden calf. And they said, “These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt (Exodus 32:4ESV)!”...
God’s Secrets for Your Success
But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets (Daniel 2:28). The secret counsel of God belongs to His friends. Abraham believed God...
These Three Remain
But now faith, hope, and love remain; these three virtues must characterize our lives. The greatest of these is love (1 Cor. 13:13). The...
By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world...
My Own Special Treasure
But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands (Ex.20:6). God is an extravagant Father...
Focus On God’s Goodness
"He sent His word, and healed them... praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men (Psalm...
Messed Up Emotions
…strong bulls of Bashan surround me; 13 they open wide their mouths at me, like a ravening and roaring lion 16 For dogs encompass me; a...