Focus On God’s Goodness
"He sent His word, and healed them... praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men (Psalm 107:20-21).”
Trusting people who are evil is foolish. You can’t rely on anything that is bad whether it’s a tooth or a technique. But the Lord is good. In fact the very essence of God is good. Just as it is impossible for God to lie it is also impossible for God to be or do anything that is bad. So why then do we allow fear and painful circumstances to shake our faith in Him?
The Lord is close to believers who trust him beyond what may be happening in their lives. He is close to anyone who is close to Him. As we draw near to Him He draws near to us. It is impossible to please God without faith so it stands to reason that we are to gauge our relationship with Him by how we trust Him.
We restrict our expectations of God when we base His favor toward us on our goodness. Jesus made it clear that there is no one good except God. If we trusted in God’s goodness instead of our own, our expectations of Him would be far greater beyond what we think we must earn or merit.
Set your mind to God's goodness especially in hard circumstances. God is up to good in your life even when it doesn’t look that way to you. Change the way you think about God by changing how you view your life. God loves you and He will correct you and sometimes afflict you to redirect your thoughts and actions. If you have faith in God’s goodness healing, restoration, and all good things are yours.