Are You Anxious?
The Lord is near! Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4: 5-7).
Our thought life is like the proverbial iceberg with only a small part of it recognized while most of it lies hidden beneath the sea of our consciousness. We can get a better grip on what we are thinking by our feelings. Anxiety is an uneasiness or nervousness about someone or something that carries with it an uncertain outcome. Fearful thoughts fuel anxiety, which can be tormenting.
Apostle Paul understood the power of thoughts. He knew the stronghold of negative thinking, which is always deficient of God’s love toward his children. He trained the Corinthian believers in spiritual warfare reminding them that God’s weapons were mighty in the pulling down of strongholds. He emphasized that every imagination that opposed God’s nature was to be cast down. He instructed the Philippian believers to be anxious about nothing but to pray about everything making specific requests in an attitude of thankfulness. He closed his letter to the church at Philippi by again underscoring the necessity to think on things that are lovely and are of a good report.
Are you afraid? Are you anxious of uncertain outcomes? Check out your thinking and self-talk and align it with God’s word. Meditate on God’s love for you. Apostle John taught that the one who fears is not yet perfected in love. When we go through frightful situations the devil tempts us to worry and doubt the love of Christ toward us. If we believe that through these situations we will experience the love of God we will know Him better and mature as His sons and daughters.