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A Fishy Story

Then he said, “Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll get some!” So they did, and they couldn’t haul in the net because there were so many fish in it.

John 21:6 (NLT)


One early morning after Jesus' resurrection, He found His disciples fishing in the Sea of Galilee. Fishing was commonly done at night using torches to attract fish, which were then caught with nets. Despite being skilled fishermen, the disciples had caught nothing after working all night. This must have been a disappointing failure for them. From the shoreline, Jesus, who had concealed His identity from them, asked if they had caught any fish. When they answered no, He then instructed them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat. Amazingly, they obeyed and caught a huge number of fish, which led them to recognize Jesus as their Lord. After beckoning them to shore, Jesus cooked breakfast for them. He can do all we could ask or think.


Jesus is present among us today. He lives through His Spirit in all of us who have surrendered our lives to Him. The Kingdom of God resides within us, but unfortunately, it remains unseen by many. The Holy Spirit always goes unrecognized by the world and even by some who identify themselves as Christians. However, we have an invisible supply line available to us. Our part is to honor the Lord and seek His wisdom for the "how-to’s" in our lives. We are not all that, but Jesus is!


Faith is listening for God's still small voice for guidance, acting, and then believing God for the positive conclusion.  Often, we get anxious when we think we can control all the results in our lives.  Instead of focusing on the outcomes, focus on the might of an invisible God who sees all and knows all. God is moving in ways you cannot see. Are you fishing on the right side of life? Or are you still relying on what's left of your own resources? Are you working hard and getting nothing in return? Is it time for you to make an adjustment and cast your nets on the right side of life?


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