Beloved, Now Are We the Sons of God
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. 2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God. 1 John 3:1-2 (KJV)
Wow, I wonder at the great position you and I have in Christ. We are the sons and daughters of God! Adopted into His family, chosen and appointed to live a life of abundance. What wondrous love and the most extraordinary privilege the gift of grace affords. Don’t let another year of your life go by without relishing this profound favor. During our time on earth, we must come to know our true Father, who surrounds us with His love. Build on our fellowship and devotion to Him regardless of the limitations of our flesh. Let us continue to go on to know the Lord!
Whatever your state, whether in sickness or health, trouble or rest, God is your Father, Jesus is your brother, and heaven is your registered birthplace! Remember who you are, and you will not fall into sin lightly. We are the sons of God, and surely our faithful and just Lord will not neglect His own. Treasure the thought, believe the truth, and you will rejoice in Your God, who is your Daddy!
As a son of God, do not be surprised when the world does not recognize you. When you suffer insults and slander, know heaven is taking all these things into account because you are a son; you share in Christ’s suffering. Any distressing condition you endure because you love God great is your reward in heaven. Those who suffer with Him will also reign with Him. In the end, you win!