Coming Full Circle
Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God.
1 Peter 1:18 (MSG)
Wisdom says, “Take time and reflect on your life.” Where are you presently, and where are you headed? Are you wandering into the future, keeping your fingers crossed that everything will be okay? You are apt to have a rude awakening if you insist on sleepwalking through your time on earth.
Scripture teaches us that man is making a pilgrimage during his temporary stay on earth. We all make the journey. We face many twists and turns and often face unforeseen danger. You can have a guide if you choose His invitation for a relationship. Jesus will make the trek with you through the person of the Holy Spirit, who will never leave or forsake you. He longs for you to have a deep consciousness of His presence, take His Hand of mercy, and walk in and with Him. As you align your life with His plans, he will complete what He wrote into the scroll of life for you. When you step into His purposes, that’s when life becomes amazing!
What will you learn as you travel the highways of holiness in your heart? The Lord will teach you both to love and to trust. Your faith will grow as you go through valleys of tears and dig deep to discover the treasure of the fear of the Lord. Beyond anything else, you will find the depths of God’s love for you and everyone, both small and significant. You will learn to love your enemies, yourself being the main one. When you find yourself back in your eternal home, the Lord will ask you, “What, my child did you learn while on earth?” And you will say, “I learned to love, and that made all the difference.”