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Jesus Is Your Prayer Partner

Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words…for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them (Romans 8:26-28 NTL).

We serve a covenant-making God. Our Father likes agreements and partnerships. When we surrender our wills to Him, we become a part of His business. Our lives take on new meaning as we yield to His eternal purpose on earth. Despite our flaws and weaknesses, He takes us into His company. Like the old adage says, “We become like the company we keep,” and in Christ’s presence, we become like Him. What can be better than that?

In Christ, you have an excellent prayer partner. When we are weak, He is strong. He became poor that we could be rich. Jesus took our sins so we could partake of His righteousness. When we bear in life seasons of pressure and impossible odds, we may find our most profound desires inexpressible. But the proverbial wind that may knock the breath out of us cannot blow us off course. The Holy Spirit is praying for us. He is expressing to God our deepest desires without us saying a word.

Everybody needs a praying partner, and in Christ, you always have one. Don’t lose heart, beloved; the Lord Jesus is interceding for you! His prayers will cause all things to work out for your good because you love Him and have answered His call and purpose.


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