Passover Begins Your Pilgrimage
Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on
pilgrimage. Psalm 84:5 (NKJV)
Has the death angel passed over you? If not, you are in danger of the second death, eternal separation from God, your Creator and faithful Father. The history of the Jewish people gives us a picture of how everyone can escape the fear of death which keeps us in bondage all our lives. Passover is one of the most important festivals of the Hebrew culture. It tells the story of their liberation from the tyranny of slavery by their Egyptian tormentors. Their freedom began when they took the blood of a spotless lamb and swabbed it over the doorways of their homes. When the angel of death saw the blood, He passed over, leaving their homes untouched.
Christians who celebrate Easter should understand it is also a celebration of Passover. Jesus Christ is our Passover Lamb. His precious blood shed for us has given us freedom from sin. The angel of death passes over us because we understand Jesus has bought us with His blood. We are no longer a slave but a son of God. If we answer, we have an upward call that puts us on a pilgrimage of adventure and victory in this life.
God called the Israelites out of Egypt, which for us, is a foreshadowing of the world. He calls us out of the world to go into our promised land, God's destiny planned for us. As we set our hearts on pilgrimage, knowing our strength is in the Lord, we will fulfill God's plan for our lives. He will put us on our high places if we surrender our wills to Him. On the road to the cross, Jesus considered each step He took. He did not steer himself away from it, for at its end was His life's crowning achievement. Jesus died for us so we might live for Him. He rose from the grave by the power of God, which now resides within us. Resurrected power living inside you will see you through every trial and temptation. It will keep setting the course for your spiritual journey, which ends with the crown of life upon your head.