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Revelation for Your Destination

Blessed is the man whose strength is in you, whose heart is set on pilgrimage….7 They go from strength to strength; Each one appears before God in Zion (Psalms 84:5&7 NKJV).

Jesus lover, the journey you are on can get trying sometimes. As you climb the mountain that is your earthly life, look forward to your destination. Remind yourself frequently you are on a pilgrimage, and the higher you climb, the closer you get to the Lord. The Holy Spirit is your traveling companion. He is within you and will refresh you when you pass through the valleys of tears and the scorched places. Make him your well, for He is the fountain that will never run dry.

The habitations of this earth can be cruel, so don’t make it your home. The enjoyments of the world cannot hold a candle to the privileges of following Jesus, who is your portion and prize. Holy Spirit will inspire you along the way, and He will show you your future. He is here in you to guide you so you will not make a wrong turn or bad decision. He is as close to you as your breath; in fact, He is the breath of life.

Make sure you leave behind emotional baggage that will weigh you down and make the journey unnecessarily burdensome. The wounds you nurse will only entangle you in sin. Release all grudges and bad memories into the streams of God and watch them float away. Look to the Lord to be your fortress and present help in trouble. As you continue to walk in the light of the Lord’s revelation, you will go from strength to strength and finish well. Press on, beloved. Forget those things which are behind you and reach for those things that are before you. The high calling of God in Christ Jesus is worth the trip!


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