The Smell of Success
Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy, for good friends are like the anointing oil that yields the fragrant incense of God’s presence (Proverbs 27:9 TPT).
Love emits a smell. Science says we drew to our marriage partner for their scent rather than their looks. Love at first whiff! Odor is potent, and as we study the scripture, we see many references to it.
Christ has an aroma. He gave his life for us for one reason only-His love. His sacrifice is a fragrant offering that continues to waft the halls of heaven. He is our Rose of Sharon and Lily of the Valley. When we sin, we follow his scent, leading us to confess and wash clean in His blood.
Put on Christ. His perfume lifts your soul and makes you grateful for His sweet friendship. As you linger in His presence, His scent gets on you, and in His grace, you too carry His anointing. In Him, you triumph and spread the fragrance of who He is everywhere you go. The smell of success is sweet.